Wednesday, September 26, 2018

A Taste of Home

I have a confession to make: I am not a cook.  I get by, and have a few dishes I like making (mostly because I want to be able to eat them!), but overall, I don't enjoy cooking.

Now, baking on the other hand...

Baking is really enjoyable for me...especially simple recipes that remind me of home, and especially this time of the year (apple crisp, anyone?).  So, when my husband found a good deal on nice, big blueberries at the grocery store a couple of days ago, I knew I wanted to bake up a batch of American-style blueberry muffins.

Not having a tried-and-true recipe for said muffins, I turned to my old friend, Allrecipes and found this one that has rave reviews.  I didn't change anything, and they definitely turned out 'to die for', with a delicious streusel topping!

Now I'm thinking I should have made a double batch... 

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