Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Crochet Therapy

This morning I took a few minutes to crochet the final round on my diamonds for Part 2 of the Scheepjes Ubuntu CAL.  Although it's only Tuesday, it's working up to be an especially crazy week, and a bit of yarn and a hook was just what I needed to calm my brain down.

Instead of buying one of the standard yarn packs for this pattern, I decided to check out what De Breibar had put together for alternate color packs...and I wasn't disappointed!

I decided to go with this one and have been really enjoying working with Scheepjes Colour Crafter Velvet!  At first I wasn't sure if the color variations in the yarn would make it difficult to see the texture in the design, but I am thrilled with how everything is turning out so far.

So, I am all caught up (just in time!) for the release of Part 3 of the CAL tomorrow.  I wonder what's coming next?

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