Saturday, November 24, 2018

Post-Thanksgiving Catching Up

Where did the last couple of weeks go?  Between the kids' activities, visitors from out of town, and medical appointments, I am just now getting the chance to catch my breath and and post about a few projects (old and new!):

My Retrograde blanket, although behind schedule, has made it into Section 5.  This photo doesn't show the most recent progress, but you can see that it is now big enough to keep me warm while crocheting 😀

In addition to Retrograde, I have been in the throes of a bout of 'cast-on-itis' are two new projects - the first is a Flax Light sweater for me in Debbie Bliss Rialto Luxury Sock (currently on clearance at Wool Warehouse:

Although my sweater isn't much to look at at the moment, I am in love with this colorway (Roskilde), and I think the finished product will look really cool!

Last, but not least, I knitted up this thick and cozy hat for myself yesterday.  The pattern is Romantique, by Julie Hart.  I chose some long-treasured bulky yarn from House of A La Mode...I think the resulting hat is the perfect combination of yarn and pattern, and I can't wait to wear it!

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Post-Thanksgiving Catching Up

Where did the last couple of weeks go?  Between the kids' activities, visitors from out of town, and medical appointments, I am just now...