Monday, November 5, 2018

Lion Brand Love

My Retrograde CAL is moving right along.  I'm a little behind, but Section 4 is now complete 😀

I had originally planned to use Lion Brand Mandala in Valkyrie once the Pegasus cake was used up.  After working a couple of rounds with Valkyrie, I didn't like how it was looking and decided to use Sprite instead.  So far I am really loving it!

So, now I am on to Section 5, and the end of the CAL is in sight.  I am already thinking about making a second Retrograde...there are so many awesome colors of Mandala to choose from that I've got several possible color combinations floating around in my head! 

If you are interested in crocheting your own Retrograde, go visit Shelby to get all the info!

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