Saturday, September 22, 2018

Italy or Bust

After spending all morning doing some last-minute packing, my oldest daughter Anja is heading out on a big adventure tonight:  virtually her entire school (students, teachers, staff) are travelling via buses to Lake Garda in northern Italy, where they will stay for several days sightseeing and generally just having an awesome time celebrating her school's 50th anniversary.

Although I am nervous that she's travelling so far away without us, she is really excited and I am excited for her.  My other two daughters are really going to miss her this week.  As soon as Anja left for the bus, Linnea started working on a 'Welcome Back' poster to hang in her room.

Now, what to do with what's left of my Saturday to help still these anxious mom feelings?  I think a bit of crocheting on my Ubuntu blanket is in order!

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